74 Loomis Street, Bedford MA 01730-2248(781) 674-2900 |
This "star" icon means this practice has received an MHQP Patient Experience Award for top performance in this category.
These awards recognize the adult and pediatric primary care practices that perform highest on MHQP's annual statewide Patient Experience Survey.
MHQP recognizes practices that achieved the greatest improvement in the past year in a specific performance category on MHQP's annual statewide patient experience survey. This icon means this practice has received this recognition.
Why measuring how well doctors communicate with their patients is important
When doctors communicate well, patients are more likely to feel that they are well-informed and involved in their health care decisions. This leads to a better understanding of diagnoses, treatments, and self-care options. Doctors’ clear and honest communication can help patients stay healthy, or if patients are sick, get better faster.
MHQP asked four questions on the adult survey to measure how well doctors communicate with patients:
MHQP asked nine questions on the pediatric survey to measure communication:
MHQP measured how well doctors at PATRIOT PEDIATRICS communicate with their patients by asking four questions. Patient responses to these questions are shown in the bar graphs below.
Survey Question | Response Percentages |
During your child's most recent visit, did this provider explain things about your child's health in a way that was easy to understand? | 96% |
During your child's most recent visit, did this provider listen carefully to you? | 96% |
During your child's most recent visit, did this provider show respect for what you had to say? | 96% |
During your child's most recent visit, did this provider spend enough time with your child? | 88% |
Why measuring care and service from office staff is important
Your doctors' office staff can make a big difference in a patient's experience. Office staff includes those who answer the phone, greet patients as they arrive, make appointments, call with test results, and discuss insurance or billing questions. Office staff may also be the ones who weigh and measure patients or take their temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and other vital signs.
MHQP asked two questions on the adult survey to measure how well a doctors' office staff gave quality care and service:
MHQP asked two questions on the pediatric survey to measure how well a doctors' office staff gave quality care and service:
MHQP measured how well the office staff at PATRIOT PEDIATRICS cared for patients, including how often they treated patients with kindness and respect. Patient responses to these questions are shown in the bar graphs below.
Survey Question | Response Percentages |
Thinking about your child's most recent visit, were the staff from this provider's office as helpful as you thought they should be? | 96% |
Thinking about your child's most recent visit, did the staff from this provider's office treat you with courtesy and respect? | 96% |
Why measuring willingness to recommend their doctor is important
People often ask others for a recommendation when choosing a new doctor. To learn more about this, MHQP asked:
MHQP suggests that patients also look at all available information before choosing a new doctor. This is because no single rating by itself can give a clear picture about a doctor's quality of care.
At PATRIOT PEDIATRICS, 83% of patients responded with favorable ratings to reflect their willingness to recommend their doctor to friends and family.
Survey Question | Response Percentages |
How likely is it that you would recommend this provider to your family and friends, using a number from 0 to 10 where 0 is not at all likely and 10 is very likely? | 75% |
Why measuring access to care is important
Access to care includes making appointments, giving care, and answering patients' questions in a timely way - when and how they need it.
MHQP asked three questions on the adult survey to measure how well doctors' offices gave patients access to care in a timely way:
MHQP asked three questions on the pediatric survey to measure how well doctors' offices gave patients access to care in a timely way:
There is not enough data to report on this measure for this doctor's office. This can happen when:
Why measuring how well doctors give advice about your child’s health and safety is important
It is important that parents/guardians and doctors work as partners. Together, you can discuss ways to keep your child safe, healthy, and active.
MHQP asked six questions to measure how well doctors give advice about keeping your child safe and healthy:
MHQP measured how well doctors at PATRIOT PEDIATRICS give advice about keeping children safe and healthy by asking 6 questions. Responses to these questions are shown in the bar graphs below.
Survey Question | Response Percentages |
During your child's most recent visit, did you and anyone in this provider's office talk about things you can do to keep your child from getting injured? | 58% |
During your child's most recent visit, did you and anyone in this provider's office talk about how much time your child spends on a computer and in front of a TV? | 67% |
During your child's most recent visit, did you and anyone in this provider's office talk about how much or what kind of food your child eats? | 83% |
During your child's most recent visit, did you and anyone in this provider's office talk about how much or what kind of exercise your child gets? | 83% |
During your child's most recent visit, did you and anyone in this provider's office talk about how your child gets along with others? | 74% |
During your child's most recent visit, did you and anyone in this provider's office talk about whether there are any problems in your household that might affect your child? | 58% |
Why measuring how well doctors provide self-management support is important
Self-management support is when your doctor discusses goals for good health and ways to meet these goals. This includes choices you have and actions you can take to get and stay healthy.
MHQP measured self-management support by asking patients two questions on the adult survey:
MHQP measured self-management support by asking two questions on the pediatric survey:
MHQP measured how well doctors at PATRIOT PEDIATRICS support their patient’s efforts to take care of their health by asking patients two questions. Patient responses to these questions are shown in the bar graphs below.
Survey Question | Response Percentages |
During your child's most recent visit, did you and anyone in this provider's office talk about specific goals for your child's health? | 71% |
During your child's most recent visit, did anyone in this provider's office ask you if there are things that make it hard for you to take care of your child's health? | 54% |
Why measuring how well doctors know their patients is important
Doctors can give better quality care when they know as much as possible about their patients. This not only includes knowing about a patient's medical history but also values and beliefs about treatment and care.
MHQP asked two questions on the adult survey to measure how well doctors know their patients:
MHQP asked two questions on the pediatric survey to measure how well doctors know their patients:
MHQP measured how well doctors at PATRIOT PEDIATRICS know their patients by asking two questions. Patient responses to these questions are shown in the bar graphs below.
Survey Question | Response Percentages |
How would you rate this provider’s knowledge of your child as a person – special abilities, concerns, fears? | 58% |
Survey Question | Response Percentages |
During your child's most recent visit, did this provider have the medical information they needed about your child? | 96% |
Why measuring how well doctors pay attention to your child’s growth and development is important
Children should have regular “well visits” (also called “check-ups”) with their doctor. These visits are important for children from birth through their teenage years. All children, even those with special health problems, should have well visits.
Well visits are a time for the doctor to check a child’s growth and development—how well the child is growing, moving, speaking, learning, and getting along with others. It is good to know about any problems early in a child’s growth and development so that the doctor can suggest services and programs to help.
MHQP asked four questions to measure how well doctors pay attention to a child’s growth and development:
MHQP measured how well doctors at PATRIOT PEDIATRICS pay attention to a child's growth and development by asking 4 questions. Responses to these questions are shown in the bar graphs below.
Survey Question | Response Percentages |
During your child's most recent visit, did you and anyone in this provider's office talk about your child's learning ability? | 63% |
During your child's most recent visit, did you and anyone in this provider's office talk about the kinds of behaviors that are normal for your child at this age? | 71% |
During your child's most recent visit, did you and anyone in this provider's office talk about how your child's body is growing? | 83% |
During your child's most recent visit, did you and anyone in this provider's office talk about your child's moods and emotions? | 75% |
Why measuring trust is important
When trust is placed in a doctor, it builds the foundation for a strong and effective relationship. This trust is not merely a matter of personal comfort; it directly influences the understanding of medical information, adherence to treatment plans, and overall well-being.
MHQP asked five questions on the adult survey to measure the extent to which a patient agrees or disagrees with the following statements about their doctor:
On the pediatric survey, MHQP asked:
MHQP measured the extent to which providers at PATRIOT PEDIATRICS are trusted by patients by asking five questions about if a patient agrees or disagrees with the following statements about their provider:
Survey Question | Response Percentages |
Your child's provider is extremely thorough and careful. | 71% |
You completely trust your child's provider's decisions about which medical treatments are best for your child. | 71% |
Your child's provider is totally honest in telling you about all of the different treatment options available for your child's condition. | 75% |
All in all, you have complete trust in your child's provider. | 75% |
Survey Question | Response Percentages |
Sometimes your child's provider cares more about what is convenient for them than about your child's medical needs. | 75% |