What to Expect at Your Child's Well Visit

What is a well visit?

A well visit is a time to talk to your child's doctor about how your child is growing and changing. It is a good time to ask questions about things like eating and sleeping habits, how much your child is learning, and any other questions or concerns you may have. It is also the time for the doctor to check your child's health, measuring his or her height, weight, heart rate, blood pressure, checking eyesight, and more.

It also is the time for the doctor to check your child's health, measuring his or her height and weight, listening to her heart, taking his or her blood pressure, checking eyesight, and more. It also is when your child will be given immunizations.

How are well visits for my child part of high quality health care?

Your child's well visit is a time when you, your child, and your child's doctor can work together to make sure that your child is healthy. Your child's doctor's office can give you a schedule for well visits by age.

What questions should I ask our pediatrician?

In addition to asking about any specific concerns you may have about your child, you also can ask your pediatrician the following questions during well visits: